Wednesday 3 January 2018

Improving Yourself !!

Hello lovely people from around the world! Thank you for reading this new post and very welcome to my blog!! Where everything it's informal and written on my own, quite weirdly way but being kind of interesting at the same time (I hope).

Firstly, it is finally 2018! Having big hopes for this one. Also, I know I have not been writting in so long but I've been very busy with some personal proyects and studying a lot, that I totally neglected this blog, which was something that wasn't on my plans. I love writting a sharing what a think and do with the world, and this is definitely one of the best ways to do it.

So, this time I will be sharing with you an advice blog. I found as a good and practical idea to tell you what do I do when I'm feeling low or trying to improve myself.
Here are some things to do to cheer your day up:

Going For a Walk - Clear Your Mind:

For me going out for a walk or just taking my car on ride to somewhere relaxing just by myself, can be very helpful just to clear my mind. Of course all of us go through some bad times a complications daily and if it´s really tough don´t do it alone, try to take a friend or relative, so at the same time a good conversation might take place and can totally be helpful too.

Focus On Yourself:

When I say focus on yourself I am not encourage anybody to start being selfish or to stop caring about others. What I am saying it is a good to create a balance between both.
The way that others of course matters specially if you are one of those people that really likes to help people around. But in order to keep giving a hand to them, we should be on our 100%. It is good to take care of others in need but you deserve some selfcare too.

Keep an Open Mind:

Nowadays with technology the connection between cultures and many different people has become an easier task. That brings knowledge but also lots of other points of view on different topics. Remember diversity is great and with an open mind it is easier to listen and respect without no necessarily agreeing with them but always listening, you could learn something good.
This is important because the world seems to be in trouble with this topic and 2017 was full of events around the globe that are very related to the lack of understanding, respect and politeness for lots of subjects as: sexuality, religion, politics, believes, culture and many others.
I mean, it is good to defend what you believe in but do not turn it as a general truth because that is where you are closing your mind and a lot of mess can happen. We should try to let others do what they want, they are free! As long it does not involve others and should not bother us.

Follow Your Dreams and Aspirations:

Some people might be studying some career, practicing a sport, having a hobby, working constantly on something they like or simply have an special project. In all of this cases, they might want to turn it into a something they want to do it for a living and enjoy it and have fun while they do it.

No matter what it is, trace some kind of plan at your own way not necessarily in a formal way set yourself up some goals, some you can accomplish in a short time and others for the future so you can make it grow. Work hard on that thing that cheers up your spirit, that inspires you and something you totally believe. Remember earning something and having a good life is important but not as much as being happy. 

Eating Better, Exercise Often:

I started focusing on my health a little bit more a couple of months ago and before that I definitely was not that aware of how good it can make you feel to exercise a bit and eating a little bit better too.
I am not telling you to become vegan, vegetarian or to start a life full or fitness. But after just eating not cutting the good stuff for eternity but just controlling it, plus a light exercise routine it really pays off.

That is it, I am trying to follow all of these tips as much as possible it is but I have understood that all of them can definitely lead to better life. I hope you like this post and if you agree with something or it helped you at least a little, then it will have worth it. Thanks for reading! 

Twitter: @rafaelriquelmeb
Instagram: @rafaelriquelmeb